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About this Blog


This blog provides observations on news, culture, and historical perspectives, offered in three distinct tracks:

  1. News: commentary and analysis based on recent articles and opinions

  2. My Reading: fiction and nonfiction that provides a window into current society

  3. The Other News: truly fake news -  a satirical look at current politics


Who's Behind this Blog

I am a jack of many trades, if not the master of any one. I spend most of my non-working time (outside of tending to family members—including my wife, sons, dogs, and cats) reading the NY Times. I’ve always thought that alone could be a full-time job, though I have never convinced someone to pay me so that I can stay abreast of news, opinions, sports, science, food, and culture (plus a deep dive into Sunday puzzles).


Outside of the Times, I always have at least one book on my night table and one Audible book that I listen to on my walk to and from work. I am an avid student of history and politics, and many areas have captured my interests over the years. My significant intellectual pursuits over the last few years have been focused on two general topics: (1) the ongoing scourge of racism in America and how it has affected both the development of our country economically and the lives and futures of Black families, and (2) the history and culture of the ancient world, in particular the Roman republic and Roman empire. While these areas might seem wildly divergent, there are enough overlapping themes to have it make some sense—human slavery, exploitation of marginalized groups, entrenched elite power, and heroic stories of individuals who sought to question and change the existing structures.


All this might make me sound like quite a bore (and my son Tim would certainly agree), but I like to think my other interests provide some balance. I am a fan of baseball and an avid, if masochistic, follower of the NY Mets (my friend Andy once compared Met fandom to the plight of the Jews—years of wandering in the desert interrupted by an occasional miracle). I am heavily into physical fitness. I love music--some classic rock, some old reggae and niche 80s artists, but mostly opera and symphonic music (uh oh, boring again…). I like to cook and wish I could be better at it. I’m hooked on these past and present t.v. shows: The Americans, Better Call Saul, The Man in the High Castle, Breaking Bad, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Master of None, Parks and Recreation, The Odd Couple, The Honeymooners, Get Smart, and probably more. I am so crazy about movies, that it’s hard to believe that my wife Valerie and I never have time to see any.


For the better part of the last 20 years, I’ve defined myself primarily as a husband and father. I’m proud to say that my son Ben will be starting his freshman year at McGill University in August, and my son Tim will be applying to colleges as a high school senior this coming year. More on that to follow, I’m sure…


As I share ideas about topics that have meaning to me, I dedicate all my words to the following people:

  • My father, who introduced me to history and took me to my first political march (after the assassination of Martin Luther King)

  • My mother, who taught me to dissent

  • My son Ben, who followed my pathway in memorizing the US presidents by age six (he beat me by three years) and has played active roles in local and national campaigns

  • My son Tim, who is a persistent advocate for civil liberties, gender and racial equality, and who started working at political phone banks at age 12

  • My wife Valerie, who believes that I have something to share with the world—and who is the strongest force for me to pursue this blog!

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